Advances in Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for Working with Gender and Sexual Minorities
The 2nd International Advances in Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for Working with Gender and Sexual Minorities is focused on bringing together basic research on transdiagnostic factors that affect gender minority (transgender, non-binary, agender, or gender non-conforming individuals, etc.) and sexual minority (lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, etc.) individuals with clinicians and leading clinical trainers to advance the utility and meaningfulness of psychotherapy for GSM people.
Central European University Campus in Downtown Budapest
Nádor u. 13-15
Budapest, Hungary
The conference venue is located in the heart of Budapest, conventiently located near dozens of hotels in a variety of ranges and affordable rental apartments, and within short walking distance of public transportation options, restaurants, and cafés.
A detailed program with complete abstracts and room information can be downloaded here.
Conference Program, September 27th & 28th