Organizing Committee



Matthew D. Skinta
Conference Chair


Matthew D. Skinta, PhD, ABPP, is an Assistant Professor at Roosevelt University and a board-certified clinical health psychologist who lives with his husband between Chicago, IL, and San Francisco, CA. His private practice focuses on challenges posed by shame and interpersonal rejection and their interaction with health behaviors or minority status. Matthew's past research has focused on the impact of stigma and shame on health behaviors of sexual minority men, particularly as it relates to sexual health and HIV-related care. He is a peer-reviewed acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) trainer, and is certified as both a compassion cultivation training (CCT) teacher, and as a trainer of functional analytic psychotherapy (FAP). Matthew co-edited Mindfulness and Acceptance for Gender and Sexual Minorities. He is currently writing a clinical manual on process-based therapy for treating minority stress among sexual orientation and gender diverse clients that will be released by Routledge in 2020.



Aisling Leonard-Curtin
Program Chair


Aisling Leonard-Curtin, M.Sc., C.Psychol., Ps.S.I., is a chartered counselling psychologist with the Psychological Society of Ireland who lives with her wife Trish in Dublin, Ireland. She is a TEDx speaker, co-director of Act Now Purposeful Living, has a small private practice, and consults with a number of organisations to deliver acceptance and mindfulness workshops. Aisling is a peer-reviewed acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and functional analytic psychotherapy (FAP) trainer.  Aisling co-edited Mindfulness and Acceptance for Gender and Sexual Minorities. Aisling co-authored The Power of Small alongside her wife, fellow psychologist Trish, a self-help book aimed at those feeling overwhelmed, which will be released in early 2019.  Aisling has led public workshops since 2010.




Ádám Németh
Hungarian Program Chair


Adam Nemeth is a counseling psychologist, founding member and current chair of the Hungarian Psychology Associations's LGBTQ+ Division. He was one of the main organizers of the first LGBTQ+ Psychology conference in Hungary in 2018. He has been an advocate of affirmative practice among local professionals for years, being a guest lecturer at graduate and postgraduate psychology programs.







R. Sonia Singh
Assistant Conference Chair


Sonia Singh is currently a 5th year doctoral candidate in clinical psychology at Bowling Green State University and predoctoral intern at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center. Her clinical and research interests include designing, implementing, and disseminating contextual behavioral science-based approaches. Her dissertation project was an assessment and pilot intervention utilizing mindfulness and acceptance for sexual minorities experiencing work stress. She hopes to continue this work during her postdoctoral training.







Santiago Durazzo Cejudo
Administrative Assistant and Website Coordinator




Santiago Durazzo Cejudo is an undergraduate psychology major attending the Universidad Tecnológica de México. He currently lives with his husband in his hometown of Mexico City. As a bisexual man in a binational marriage, he is passionate about LGBT rights, gender and sexuality issues in psychology, and evidence-based psychotherapy. His background in technology has stemmed from providing contract support to a number of start-ups, and he is excited to lend his skills to the mission of this conference. He is fluent in Spanish, English, and Japanese.



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