Call for Abstracts


The 2nd International Advances in Evidence-Based Psychotherapy for Working with Gender and Sexual Minorities Conference is focused on bringing together basic research on transdiagnostic factors that affect gender minority (transgender, non-binary, agender, or gender non-conforming individuals, etc.) and sexual minority (lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, etc.) individuals with clinicians and leading clinical trainers to advance the utility and meaningfulness of psychotherapy for GSM people. After an initial successful conference in San Jose, California, in 2017, the conference is excited to provide a forum in Budapest in the heart of Europe in 2019 to advance these themes.



·       January 15, 2019 - Submission portal opens

·       April 30, 2019 - Submission portal for half-day workshops is closed

·       May 31, 2019 - Submission portal for symposia, and panels is closed

·       June 28, 2019 - Submission portal for posters is closed (Poster deadline has been extended)

·       July 15, 2019 - Notification of abstract status




Though not comprehensive, submitters might consider the following topics to inspire submissions:

·       Psychotherapeutic responses to Sexual or Gender Minority Stress

·       Psychotherapeutic responses to transdiagnostic risk factors such as Shame

·       Trauma, Complex Trauma, and Mental Health

·       Family acceptance or rejection, and its impact

·       Psychotherapy targeting transdiagnostic risk factors

·       Gender affirming assessment or support for medical procedures across the lifespan

·       Experiences of GSM people of color in Europe

·       Explorations of the challenge of working in hostile political environments

·       Case studies reflecting the adaptation of Evidence-Based Therapies with GSM clients

·       Cultural considerations with GSM immigrants, refugees, or asylum seekers

·       Unique sources of resilience that benefit GSM communities

Methodological talks and workshops regarding increasing inclusion of gender and sexual minority participants

·       Health disparities that affect GSM individuals, such as HIV exposure or risk



Please select a content area that best fits the theme of your submission

Psychotherapy Track: Sexual Orientation  Select this track if your presentation or research primarily emphasizes or explores psychotherapy with sexual minority (e.g., lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual) clients
Psychotherapy Track: Gender Identity & Expression   Select this track if your presentation or research primarily emphasizes or explores psychotherapy with gender minority (e.g., transgender, non-binary, agender, gender non-conforming) clients
Research Track: Sexual Orientation   Select this track if your presentation or research primarily emphasizes or explores basic science related to the experiences of sexual minority (e.g., lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual) individuals or communities
Research Track: Gender Identity & Expression   Select this track if your presentation or research primarily emphasizes or explores basic science related to the experiences of gender minority (e.g., transgender, non-binary, agender, gender non-conforming) individuals or communities



All submission types may be made in English or in Hungarian

Half-Day Workshop
Half-day workshops will be scheduled for either a morning or afternoon session one day of the conference. Workshops should integrate didactic information with some form of skill-building such as an experiential component, practice, or role-play. To submit an abstract for a workshop, include a 250-word abstract describing the research background and overview of the intervention, followed by 3-4 learning objectives and 3-5 citations. Half-day workshop abstracts are due by April 30, 2019.* 

Poster Presentation
Poster presentations will depict data from a single study, and though multiple authors may be listed a designated presenter who plans to attend the conference and discuss the poster should be included. Presenters will be provided with a position and time for when their posters should be mounted, and will be provided details regarding printing dimensions upon acceptance. Posters should be removed by the the presenter by the end of the conference day. Poster abstracts are due by June 28, 2019.

A symposium will include a chair with the option of a discussant, as well as 3-4 presentations of original data or case presentations around a central theme. Please indicate in your submission if you are seeking to be matched with other presenters, though we highly encourage submissions that are already organized as complete groups. Symposium abstracts are due by May 31, 2019. 

Panel Presentation
A panel consists of 3-5 experts, either in research or practice, discussing a central question or theme. Participants are encouraged to consider opportunities for discussions that explore the different social and legal contexts experienced by GSM people across borders and working in differing political circumstances. Panel abstracts are due by May 31, 2019.

*NOTE: The half-day workshop deadline has been extended to incorporate changes and additional fields added to submission forms after partnering with an organization to offer continuing education.


·       Attendees will be limited to three submissions 

·       Attendees who submit a symposium abstract for fewer than 3 presenters will be matched with similar submissions to form a complete symposium whenever possible. If unable to be matched, the author will be given the option to convert an accepted work into a poster presentation. 


All abstracts will be initially reviewed to insure they include a sexual minority affirming or gender affirming stance. Practice-based submissions will be evaluated based upon quality of supportive data, significance, and innovation. Research-based submissions will be evaluated based upon design, innovation, and relevance to advancing clinical science or better understanding how bias or resilience affect GSM client well-being. The presenting author must register for the conference no later than July 31, 2019, to guarantee inclusion in the program.


Submit Abstract



Matthew D. Skinta, Conference Chair


Ádám Németh, Hungarian Program Chair


For technical issues related to registration or abstract submission, please contact:

Santiago Durazzo Cejudo, Administrative Assistant and Website Coordinator

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